Conscious Movements Online Course

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Classes Available Anytime:

  1. Flowing Freely,
  2. Using a Chair,
  3. Using a Bolster,
  4. Using a Wall,
  5. Opening the Pelvis.

Conscious Movements

Click here to see a short preview of the course

Margie Krest

Margie Krest is the owner and founder of Conscious Movements.  After teaching for many years at the University of Colorado, Boulder, Margie resigned her faculty position to follow her heart. Her heart led her to study at the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health where she was able to connect more fully with her body and find a direction for Dancing the Soul, the Movement Center she founded: a place where others had the opportunity to listen to their inner rhythms and connect to their bodies and hearts, a place for community, play, and acceptance. After 10 years, Margie sold Dancing the Soul, and now continues her work independently as Conscious Movements. Conscious Movements focuses on the physical and spiritual health and wellness of women. Her Yoga, Fit and Flexible classes and her Conscious Movements Women's Circles bring together her goal of helping women develop in body, mind and soul. Certified in Yoga, Trauma Sensitive Yoga, and Yoga Nidra (deep relaxation),  Margie brings to her own classes a sense of community and self-awareness that encourages students to focus not only on the movements of the body but the way in which movement and stillness allow them to open their hearts.

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